| |November 20189CIOReviewTo translate "screenless" experiences, and to tap into the situational centricity, enterprises need to experiment with new business models that help reengineer outcomesously possible. And these interactions are seamless, friction-less, fluid, and span across different environments.Enterprises need to think of these immersive experienc-es (powered by situational centricity) as interactions and not as interfaces. For businesses, this can be a challenge and might require rethinking many aspects of the organiza-tion­more than just the interaction layer, but all the way back to their core ERP, CRM and other line-of-business enterprise systems. For example, I could be on a traditional desktop com-puter having an interaction on a screen but then shift to a mixed-reality interaction with holograms on a HoloLens device that not only incorporates vision, but also spatial sound and awareness. And then I might walk over to my car and switch to a voice-only interaction on a mobile but then change to a different screen with different capabilities when I get in my car. These experiences span across a num-ber of intelligent automation services, from vision, speech, language and knowledge.This kind of experience is only possible because of the various AI cognitive APIs. Some are vision APIs that sense the environment around us to help interpret intent; others are speech and language APIs that help comprehend and understand audio, or knowledge and graph that help con-nect and interpret intent and "knowledge" around us.How to Make the Experiences HappenTo translate "screenless" experiences, and to tap into the situational centricity, enterprises need to experiment with new business models that help re-engineer outcomes. Those who adapt and change not only the experience, but business models and workflows, to exploit and create a new revenue model will enjoy success. In recent years we have witnessed the rise of two simi-lar, yet distinct practices across the enterprise:·Modern engineering methods, such as agile and DevOps, have completely rewired our approach to soft-ware development, product lifecycles, and the speed we go to market with new products, services and solutions. ·Design thinking is helping businesses adopt a deeply human-centric viewpoint, redefining why and what they should be building in the first place. It's time for enterprises to start to combine design think-ing principles with their modern engineering teams and pro-jects. Think of it as design-driven engineering, or what we call "DesignOps."Organizations will need to build up a culture, mind-set and business model ready for a DesignOps revolu-tion­where everyone is focused on the user and value. Any product, service or solution not created with the deeply human-centric, situation-centric insights of design think-ing will not last long.And as enterprises look to adopt this new DesignOps approach, they need to go back to the ambient AI concept (some call this "light AI") and find the right places and sce-narios where it can be used. This should be broken down in bite-size chunks; looking at the right set of automation areas to increase productivity. This approach goes to the heart of DesignOps. Experimenting with APIs and fluid experiences that span intelligent automation, Robotic Pro-cess Automation (RPA) and physical automation can really make a difference. With the democratization of AI, enterprises don't need to setup research labs or have deep pockets to tap into the AI market; they can build on top of the industry giants. Broadly speaking we see a progression for enterprises as their APIs and algorithms increase. This progression starts from Consumer API to Developer API to Enterprise API. For example, consumers are using Amazon Echo's Al-exa at home, which uses Bing APIs for search and various cognitive APIs for speech and voice. As usage of Alexa in-creases, many developers will start building "apps" for Al-exa. In some cases they may not be adding too much value (remember the early days of the Apple app store?). Nev-ertheless, this in turn is piquing the interest of enterprises.In summary, enterprises that embrace AI as the new UI and experience layer, powered by situational centric-ity, and take a DesignOps approach will be ready for the AI world. ConsumerAIDeveloperAIEnterpriseAIProgression of AI
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