| |November 20188CIOReviewIN MY OPINIONAmit BahreeAI IS THE NEW UI­AI + UX + DESIGNOPSBy Amit Bahree, Executive, Global Technology and Innovation, Avanadeoday you cannot read any technology or busi-ness article without some discussion around Artificial Intelligence (AI), whether ex-plicit or implicit. We see AI integrating deeper in all elements of our life­be it at home with our families, or at work with our colleagues and clients. Some of these you can feel and "see"; and with others you experience the output or outcome.We don't see AI as the singing and dancing silver bullet. Instead we think about it as "ambient AI"­like a sprinkling of magic that augments various things around us with pixie dust. Of course, this pixie dust is actually the various APIs (cognitive and otherwise), powered by data. Fundamental concepts of a user, an interface, design and experience are changing. Powered by the right mix of AI and associated cognitive APIs, we are seeing the rise of new user interfaces and experiences with conversational UIs and intelligent assistants such as Microsoft's Cortana and Am-azon's Alexa. And, in parallel, mobile apps are declining or at least reaching a plateau. These new AI-driven interfaces are leading to deeper and more meaningful interactions, which are tailored to me as an in-dividual and to my unique situation. We call this "situational cen-tricity"­which is distinctly human, mostly invisible and seemingly magical. This situational centricity will move from one medium to the next, enriching, expanding, contracting and adapting as needs change. Emergence of a Screenless WorldToday, as we continue to see the convergence of cloud, big data and mobile, the degree of dis-ruption is increasing­not only the pace, but the reach and scale. The result is the rise of a screenless world.Now this doesn't literally mean that there isn't a screen; rather, it is the expansion from screens to other mediums­voice, touch, haptics and other new interactions that were not previ-TAmit Bahree
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