| |August 20199high throughput messaging, data security, et al. that the use cases are becoming reality. 5G is going to make this so much easier with its low latency and high bandwidth to carry the data at real-time speed.Tests are being carried out connecting a 5G trial sys-tem to a vibration sensor mounted directly on the pro-duction machinery. The vibration spectrum is transmitted and evaluated in real time via 5G to the control system. The very low latency helps correlate the vibration to the tool's position and enable prompt adjustment of the pro-duction process. Real time in metal manufacturing means very fast control loops, below 1 ms. The continuous real time data transfer over 5G also generates a digital twin, showing the details of the process results.There is a bit of confusion among people this tech-nology being an old wine called Simulation being pack-aged in a bottle labelled Digital Twin. Simulations por-tray what might happen in the real world. Digital Twins on the other hand tells us what is happening precisely at that moment, besides also letting us know what might happen ­ this is the convergence of the digital and the physical world. The rise of machine learning also allows Digital Twins to learn faster in replicating what is hap-pening and will happen. This is another major factor help-ing engineers to calibrate the virtual model to reflect the real-world scenarios with greater accuracy. This is help-ing manufacturers to help customers with regular up-dates and alerts about maintenances or version changes of their systems. IDC suggests that 30 percent of Global 2000 compa-nies will be using data from digital twins of IoT connect-ed products and assets to improve product innovation success rates and organizational productivity, achieving gains of up to 25 percent. Industrial IoT (IIOT) plat-forms will also play an important role in enabling two-way communication and data transmission between the physical system and its digital counterpart. By 2022, 40 percent of IoT platform vendors will integrate simula-tion platforms, systems, and capabilities to create digital twins. The future will be a network of Digital Twins of physical objects at times blurring the lines between the physical and the digital divide. The new technological challenge then will be orchestrating these networks. The future will be a network of Digital Twins of physical objects at times blurring the lines between the physical and the digital divide
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