| |December 20189CIOReviewAutomotive sector will benefit a lot from IoT. The future of mobility is AI, ML, UBA and IoT. Automo-tive sector is now looking at IoT to help drivers in connected cars avoid accidents, predict maintenance issues, find parking spots, raise alerts and much more. It is IoT and ML which will eventually bring self-driving cars to the market. IoT in mobility is not just about diagnostic data or predic-tive analytics it goes beyond. Con-nected cars will evolve sooner than we think. Digital vehicle access man-agement will be the key factor in Mo-bility as a Service (MaaS). Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication technology will help us find parking slots, select the best possible time to travel, locate the nearest petrol sta-tion or garage and avoid collisions. Almost every second car will be a smart car by 2025. If your smart car gets stolen, your car key or mobile app will help you find and track it through its GPS device. Healthcare is expect-ed to transform radically in the com-ing decade. One does not even have to react to an emergency or even think of it unless under unavoidable circumstances where this technol-ogy cannot reach. OnKöl from Wis-concin, USA, has developed a pro-active monitoring device that collects data from medical devices and shares it with family members and care-givers. Medtronic MyCareLink has insertable cardiac monitors that make pacemakers communicate data to smartphone apps for sharing with physicians. The app enables the el-derly to share data with hospitals; en-suring medical intervention is sought immediately when required. Medical devices like these can help the medi-cal community and off-campus phy-sicians continuously monitor vital signs without disturbing patients, even when hospitalized.Looming Security ThreatsAll the benefits of connected, IoT-equipped and mobile controlled devices do not come without draw-backs. The industry is already dealing with threats where IoT is concerned, mainly security and privacy. We have had several instances where connect-ed cars have been hacked through mobile apps, infotainment systems have been compromised and insecure medical gadgets that have malfunc-tioned due to such attacks. Informa-tion Security, Cybersecurity and Pri-vacy will play a key role in IoT. Developing countries will play a big role in the future as far as IoT sale goes and thus it is very crucial for World Inc. to monitor these countries for economic stability
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