| | December 20188CIOReviewhen we talk about internet of things (IoT) we talk about an industry that is estimated to have a global market value of 10 trillion dollars or more by 2025. IoT is nothing but a network of physi-cal devices that have embedded electronics and a provi-sion to `connect' such that these devices exchange data for meaningful purpose. Applications of IoT will be infinite. All one needs to do is imagine. This is where Thought Leadership will play a big role. We need more Technol-ogy Evangelists than ever before.IoT cannot be separated from many other develop-ments that are taking place simultaneously. All these only complement each other. Today almost all smart devices generate a huge amount of IoT data that needs to be ana-lyzed and leveraged in real time. This is where Predictive and Big Data Analytics come into play. Artificial Intelli-gence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) is also used to add context to data ­ and trigger actions without human inter-vention. Customization of devices will largely depend on User Behavior Analytics (UBA).The future of IoT strongly depends on the efficiency of connecting these devices to the internet. In many de-veloping countries this translates to cost of connecting and availability of internet. Let us remember, develop-ing countries will play a big role in the future as far as IoT sale goes and thus it is very crucial for World Inc. to monitor these countries for economic stability. This calls for strong global governance. We are more connect-ed than ever before, thus it would be too late if we fail to collaborate.The Scope of IoTThe spectrum of IoT based devices is infinite. We will soon have entertainment, travel, security systems, indus-trial devices, healthcare, real time information systems and weather management systems to start with. Most of us are already familiar with Amazons Echo and Google Home. Last year Zimplistic, an IoT startup based in Singapore launched Rotimatic, a device that makes Asian Flatbreads that are popular in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran and to a certain extent the Middle East. Rotimatic can easily get software upgrades as and when required. This is just the beginning of IoT based home automation.Some other interesting IoT products are Amazon Dash Wand with Alexa, Moen U Smart Shower, Seno-ria Fitness T-Shirt, Netatmo Presence Camera, Bragi Dash Pro and Zeeq smart pillow. In the coming years we can expect, intelligent coffee makers, juicers, air pollu-tion monitors, air quality controllers, robotic gardeners, robotic house maids, water quality controllers, dedicated programmed tutors and healthcare equipment that can provide accurate data that's readable for everyone, raise alarms as and when required and even notify doctors or hospitals in case of an emergency. WTHE INSEPARABLE ROLE OF IOT IN DRIVING INNOVATIONS WITHIN INDUSTRIESBy Vinay Lohar, Manager IT-Information Security at SiemensIN MY OPINIONVinay Lohar
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