| |January 20189CIOReviewTransportation management & execution have to be responsive, real time and robust to support new age demands across all segmentsend logistics and supply chain visibility for inventory whether it is in a warehouse, on a production line or in-transit. Connected logistics for the logistics service provider must be agile to learn about client enterprise architecture strat-egies for designing connected systems that integrate physical and digital supply chains with client transportation and lo-gistics system. This enables to come up with innovative business models while mitigating logistics risk and managing in transit security.The Application:There is a need for agile and flexible transport man-agement systems that empower the business to meet rapidly evolving requirements. The conventional trans-port management system would have rigid siloed tele-matics, ERP and legacy reporting systems ill-equipped to deal with the changing regulatory environment, emerging competitive threats and higher business and customer expectations.We foresee that application systems have to undergo a complete transformation in this new age digital era. The new evolved transportation management applica-tion for logistics has already started their journey to adept to the new way of doing business. Some of the initiatives include:· Ability to collect request from sensor and machine data generated from the connected logistics· Ability to receive telematics data for Real time track-ing of product across all logistics hubs· Transportation management integration with up-stream and downstream logistics along with the multi-modal scenarios· Bring Integrated supply chain visibility start-ing from manufacturing shopfloor to retail store inventory system · Have Real time integration in B2B for highly leveraged supply chains components· Have the Big Data compactible that supports data generated from telematics and Supply chain components· Provide end-to-end logistics view for supply chain tower· Ability to interface with Blockchain technologies.The Insights & Analytics:Predictive Analytics is considered to be the biggest breakthrough technology for the Logistics sector in 2017. Data collection, analysis and insights generation play a key role in optimizing the logistics management costs in an organization. Data Analytics plans and streamlines the operations and deriving insights from it helps in better utilization of the use and viability of the essential resources in the organization. For example, real time analytics optimize the resource allocation and capacity management within fleets and helps organi-zation in achieving delivery route optimization which saves time and fuel charges. Some of the key areas in which Predictive Analytics play a key role includes accu-rately forecasting the cost factors and making the plans according to it, Route optimization by network man-agement and real time fleet tracking which brings more transparency in the supply chain. The wave of digital innovation has started taking the transportation sector by storm. The question here is whether we are ready to take it or not. Transportation management & execution have to be responsive, real time and robust to support new age demands across all segments. By being agile, transport management system can respond to volatile conditions and do things like:· Aggregate data across regions to predict transporta-tion scenarios· Create efficient shipments and optimization· Support servicing parts and components on-demand· Enable Manufacturing quick runs of short-lifecycle products· Reroute product real-time at willWith challenging business scenarios and fierce com-petition, it becomes a mandate for the companies spend-ing significant dollars on transport, to have right mix connected logistics, transportation application, and the predictive cases. This will not only optimize the existing cost but would also make the company future `digital ready'. Anil Jain
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