| |July 201919f I may be permitted to say, the Freight For-warding business is the `underbelly' in the en-tire Supply Chain `Eco System' and technol-ogy adoption was never high on the agenda for forwarding companies. Traditionally it did not take too much of an investment to set up a forwarding company. All that was required was a table, a telephone and good contacts with the Shipping & Airlines. Entry into this field was very easy and not be-fore long there were hundreds of forwarders competing for the same space resulting in the inevitable dwindling of profit margins of all players, large and small.As expected, companies began to look at reducing costs and increasing market share to improve profitabil-ity. One way of reducing costs was by improving process efficiencies. This meant being able to handle more busi-ness without a significant increase in personnel & over-head costs. And the best way to increase market share was to provide efficient processes and consistency in good service to the customer. Not before long did most for-I CIO INSIGHTSTECHNOLOGY USAGE IN FREIGHT FORWARDING INDUSTRYBy Vinod Raju, Head IT & Enterprise Applications, EFL (Expo Freight) EFL (Expo Freight) is a leading provider of freight forwarding and supply chain management solutions across the globe. The company covers over 18 countries and is backed by a diverse team of over 2100 employees who are well verse in all aspects of logistics.
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