| | December 20174CIOReviewOffice Editorial queries editor@cioreviewindia.comAdvertising queriessales@cioreviewindia.comBangaloreTel 080 46441103NoidaTel 120 4639300 To subscribeVisit www.cioreviewindia.com/magazine-in or send email to: subscription@cioreviewindia.comCover price is Rs 150 per issueAshok KumarVirupakshi PattarSales & MarketingAmrit SinghRohit RaghubanshiRavi KalgiSambit SatpathyCIOReviewGroup Art DirectorVP - Sales & MarketingMagendran PerumalCirculation ManagerEditorial TeamChitra MishraArchee RoySuchita Gonsalves Vinisha PaivaAnitha TLakshmi GCIOReview No. 124, 2nd Floor, Surya Chambers, Old Airport Road, Murugheshpalya, Bangalore-560017MaitreyeeCIOReviewVOL 5 · ISSUE 12-5 · DECEMBER 13, 2017Manjunath R Mohana KrishnanSr. VisualizerVisualizersPrinted and published by Alok Chaturvedi on Behalf of Bizprint Media Technologies Pvt Ltd and Printed at Precision Fototype Services at Sri Sabari Shopping Complex, 24 Residency Road Bangalore-560025 and Published at No. 124, 2nd Floor, Surya Chambers, Old Airport Road, Murugeshpalya, Bangalore-560017.Copyright © 2017 Bizprint Media Technologies Pvt Ltd, All rights reserved. Re-production in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher.EditorialEditorialAutomation has been of high priority for the manufacturing sector, from Ford's first set of Model-T Assembly lines in the early 1920s to the modern factory floor. With appropriate automation, the aim was to rationalize the production and keep the process under control. Instrumentation for measuring process variables assumed a significant role in meeting such goals. The development of new sensors and instruments took place in stages concurrent with advancements in science and technology. A lot many decades later, 2016 saw the emergence of open industrial system architectures, with key themes centering on computing at the edge, multivendor interoperable open systems, and tight integration with business systems. Older industrial automation architectures are currently not completely open but have communities of gated ecosystems, which present an obstacle for multi-vendor integration. With the rapid development and proliferation of microcomputer and software technologies, automation in manufacturing is almost totally dependent on the capabilities of computers and software to automate, optimize and integrate the various components of the manufacturing system. Due to this dependence, automation in manufacturing is called computer integrated manufacturing.Today, Intel and its ecosystem offer quality products and proven innovation, upon which original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), original device manufacturers (ODMs), and system integrators (SIs) can build high performance and reliable solutions to support the rigorous requirements for programmable logic controllers (PLCs), industrial PCs (IPCs), human machine interfaces (HMI), robotics, machine vision , and many other industrial applications. In this edition of CIOReview India, we are bringing together few ace class Indian System integrators and Industrial Automation Providers. These vendors and solution providers have the capabilities and adequate technology in place to take your factory/business/software out of this stratosphere to a more outreached performance driven heights.Flip through and do let us know what you think. Emmanuel Christi DasAsst. Managing Editoremmanuel@cioreviewindia.comIf your Machines are Intelligent, Why not the Processes ? PublisherEditorAsst. Managing EditorAlok ChaturvediSudhakar SinghEmmanuel Christi Das
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