| |August 202019Intelligent Transport system will be able to minimize traffic problems, energy conservation, and travel time, road safety with the help of information and communication technologies Freight management:For freight monitoring, M2M capabilities or telematics can provide data on location, temperature etc. in order to ensure that assets are secure. This includes automatic logging of data to prevent punitive regulatory action as well as help reduce damage to goods during shipment.Public transport management:M2M capabilities ensure that citizens can access real-time data and receive accurate alerts on transport availability, traffic conditions, diversions, etc.M2M solutions are becoming crucial to the transport industry. They are helping connect work forces, assets, enterprise systems, public/ government systems and end customers in a seamless stream of data, increasing the reliability of road and transport networks. This also presents a challenge before the transport and logistics organizations: to integrate a variety of systems in order to leverage the growth in sensors and devices that generate, collect and transmit data.As networks become more complex and supply chains span different organizations, it will become imperative for the logistics and transportation industry to adopt M2M technologies and prevent congestion and global grid locks that can bring down entire businesses.There is also an increased cost to society with inefficient transportation systems that impact the environment. These must be brought under control using automated M2M systems.In addition, safety requirements are growing. This includes the safety of passengers in public transport systems, private transport, precious freight, etc. M2M systems can help mitigate the risk that they are exposed to.Finally, end users want better end-to-end transportation solutions and increased visibility on the movement of goods. M2M systems can empower them, allowing them to make independent real-time decisions based on changes in their business or personal plans.There can be a huge reduction in traffic queues if we can implement intelligent transport management controllers.India has done few pilots related to ITS in some cities but yet to deploy full-fledged in the entire country. Some of the deployments are related to toll collection and capturing images of people violating traffic rules at the intersection points. With the advancement of technology, there should be multiple initiatives which should be taken by the government.· Promoting Development & deployment of Intelligent Vehicle Safety system.· Anticipatory active safety through automatic detection of crossing cyclist and pedestrian.· Dynamic route guidance and navigation system.· Traffic management in transport and logistics by intelligent route planning system for deliveries and freight management· Electronic toll collection system should be installed at various locations to avoid bottlenecks at major routes and ensure seamless journey.· Advance parking system and deployment of intelligent traffic system to reduce honking and noise pollution. · Traffic jam alerts to the vehicle driver to alter the route.· Automatic traffic management plan to reduce congestion during special events and festivals.There are many physical, social, economic and administrative challenges in front of ITS to flourish in India. The journey has started but there is an urgent need to adopt this to manage better transportation. An important factor should be taken into consideration related to cyber security while developing and deploying any solution.
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