| |August 20198orporate India is going through a defining time, with emerging tech-nologies taking over many areas of business. Human resource is one such critical area, which is core to any business and has been going through rounds of revolution and transformation, both in terms of processes and technology.AI happens to be the newest kid in the block, which is taking the recruitment processes by storm, as it is getting re-engineered every day, with more and more intelligent and repetitive work being re-placed by AI. Let's look at some of the key areas where AI is being used to empower workforce:1) Removing bias ­ Unconscious bias is a huge challenge that all corporates are trying to fight. Corporate India is no exception. When it's a conscious bias, it's easier to tackle but uncon-scious bias creeps in the most unexpected way. It can not only influence the choice of a candidate at the time of interview, but also the job description itself, making it a far more pervasive problem. AI can easily be used to remove this unconscious bias.2) Evaluate profiles and first level interviews ­ Today sourcers and recruiters are spending a con-siderable amount of time in scanning, evaluating and shortlisting profiles and doing the first level interviews and the outcome of it is often very sub-jective, based on the emotional state of the recruit-ers. AI can easily take over these repetitive jobs, bring more objectivity to it and complete it much faster. There are quite a few AI-based platforms in the market today. According to a report by For-AI TO EMPOWER WORKFORCE AND DRIVE OBJECTIVITYBy Mohua Sengupta, EVP and Global Head of IT Services, 3i InfotechC IN MY OPINIONMohua Sengupta
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