| |April 201819CIOReviewTHE HR TECH TRANSFORMATIONBy JoAnne Kruse, Chief Human Resources Officer, American Express Global Business Travel CXO INSIGHTShanks to the rise of mobile technology, companies with a tru-ly global workforce are able to connect like never before. A number of tools and virtual interfaces are enabling quick and constant en-gagement, making physical distance increasingly inconsequential. The impact of new communi-cation platforms is felt particularly strongly in the realm of human re-sources (HR), where they have re-shaped virtually every aspect of the department's role from recruitment to training to ongoing engagement. For a company like American Ex-press Global Business Travel (GBT), whose employees typically work in borderless roles, being able to connect more easily builds a more efficient team and creates a more collaborative working environment.The Rise of Virtual InteractionWorking remotely with flexible op-tions such as joining conferences and meetings via an interactive video chat, or having the ability to pick your designated work hours, is a growing trend with no signs of slowing in the near future. In this era, employees are no longer separated by geographical distance. New tools and virtual in-terfaces allow for a cross-cultural and cross-geographical workforce. Cur-rently, this growing ease of connect-ing across great distance is streamlin-ing every aspect of the HR process. At American Express GBT, about 30 percent of our HR department works remotely. To successfully man-age our remote workforce, we part-nered with digital communications T
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