| |MAY 201719CIOReviewBy Kapil Mahajan, CIO, Safexpress Pvt Ltdooking back at where we stand today in terms of technical advancement, I can only say that we have come a long way from a predictive technology evolution era to a totally disrup-tive era of technical advancements.The biggest technology driver for the common man in the modern times has been the inter-net and with today's technology disruption we have also entered a unique period in internet's life ­ the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT story that started off as a concep-tion from some of the science fiction movies has now be-come a part of our everyday usage with implementations and applications, ranging from connected consumer elec-tronics to smart vehicles to clothing and wearable devices that have an array of sensors which are always connected. The next few years to me will revolve around the smart-home devices and niche use cases in industrial au-tomation and supply chain logistics space. This will result in explosion of not only the physical devices and objects connected to the internet but also give more definitive shape to the idea of IoE (Internet of Everything) where People, Process and Data along with Things will create an incredible technology ecosystem that will drive value and automation in ways that we have never thought before.LCIO INSIGHTSFuture of IoT with Focus around Logistics
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