| | SEPTEMBER 20188CIOReviewn today's digital era, busi-nesses are transforming faster than ever before and no industry understands disruption better than the tech industry. Every tech-nology company needs to constantly reinvent themselves to stay ahead of the curve. Dell too has transformed itself several times over the decades, from customizable PCs to providing essential technology infrastructure for the enterprises from edge to the core to the cloud. The impact of disruption on maintaining a competitive advan-tage in the tech industry is huge. So, where do tech companies stand in the digital transformation wave to-day, and how can they make sure they use it to continue to gain the competitive advantage?According to the Digital Transfor-mation Index report, tech companies are amongst those best positioned to play at the forefront of the digital revolution. They typically have skill sets and strategic partnerships that are already relevant to digital trans-formation and are investing in those more aggressively. Many companies today are over-whelmed by a deluge of data and are struggling with turning it into mean-ingful information. Here is an interest-ing example on how Dell has helped Chitale Dairy, situated in the rural district of Maharashtra to redefine I IN MY OPINIONWINNING IT TRANSFORMATION WAVE IN THE DIGITAL ERA By Hemal Shah, SVP, Dell Digital & Regional CIO, Asia-pacific at Dell EMC Hemal Shah
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