| |November 20189CIOReviewMachine Learning is the experience that our brain, `our machine' gains, based on what we learnWith practice, one starts to gain confidence on driving, which I like to call as experience of driving. Ini-tial runs are always on the cautious side while one starts to understand the environment. After which comes a `beautiful' memory of someone coming too close to your car or your car accidently touching someone else's. We start to build upon experi-ence on what to do and what not to do while driving, coaching our brain to calculate the distance, speed, rela-tivity, acceleration limits, decelera-tion capabilities along with under-standing the limits of the car we are driving which includes parameters like torque, horsepower, engine size, fuel efficiency, etc.Analytics and Types of Machine LearningAnalytics in this case is the `creating the magic formulas' and the neces-sary calculations of multiple param-eters in your brain to ensure that your car runs smoothly in the cur-rent environment. Using Mathemat-ics (mainly Probability, Statistics & Trigonometry) and understand-ing the laws of physics, knowingly or unknowingly, our brain starts to create the necessary formulas af-ter understanding the visual dash-boards created from the data of the car. The data that our brain collects (we would call it as parameters) are speed, torque, acceleration and the gear motion every time we drive the car."Machine Learning is the experi-ence that our brain, `our machine' gains, based on what we learn." There is supervised machine learn-ing and unsupervised machine learn-ing. The supervised is the case when we learn under the supervision of someone who has driven the car in the past, in this case the formulas are provided to us and we have to oper-ate our car under the guidelines of those formulas only.Unsupervised is when we start to drive on our own and the calcula-tions we start to make in our brainson what works and what does not. When you start to update the calculations and formulas in your brain depending on your under-standing of the situation, that is called, machine learning or in simple terms your machine is learning from your experience of the situation to update the formulas accordingly.Deep Learning and its relation with Neural NetworkDeep Learning is the years of unsu-pervised learning that we gain after being on the road on our own. Af-ter I learned my driving, I was very comfortable driving on any road, any terrain having a clear notion that I can drive; until I hit the icy condi-tions of USA. A frozen road was a concept that my brain `machine' was not used to, meaning I did not have any formula in my machine for that situation. While there was documen-tation about how not to apply breaks on an icy road, my machine still did not register the impact until I was in that situation. When on an icy road, my car slipped and took two turns on a freeway before coming to a stop was the time I had to update my machine to change the formulas I had stored in my brain. This time it was not just the update of a formula, it was creating new formulas for the situation faced. When we adapt to the environment and new formulas get created based on how we under-stand the environment, we start to enter the world of Deep Learning. Deep Learning includes coaching my neural network in terms of reflex action to react in a particular situ-ation under the new formulas cre-ated. Neural network is simplified in the example to equate back to the human neurons.The technology world we live in today relates a lot to what we hu-mans have seen and can relate to. The article helps to simplify some of the jargons used around us to de-mystify our understanding.
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