| |August 201819CIOReviewhile it is infor-mation age for the businesses, I would call it automation age for a liv-ing. Here's why!Technology has been providing home accessories and cool gadgets ever since the dawn of the industrial era in the 19th century. Now tech-nology pairing up with IoT is work-ing hard to make these gadgets more efficient and easily accessible. Auto-mation is touching every aspect of living including security, assistance, maintenance, risk management etc. Home security devices now are power packed. Wireless cameras make it easy to install anywhere and the motion sensors are making it easy to handle file sizes of high-quality video content. What's more, some of the latest cameras can sense someone or something approaching and start recording even before the actual mo-tion is sensed. Smart locks provide biometric and passcode-based pro-tection. The locks also provide one-time access codes, say to the babysit-ter, Bluetooth-based control, access to video and lock control on smart phone, memorize faces and greets visitors during their subsequent visits and the icing on the cake: alert when one of the family members has not returned and is unusually late...Now that you successfully crossed the security and have en-tered the home, what do you nor-mally do? Use the washroom, take a shower, wash the clothes, cook food, clean the house, check your just born, know what your kids were up to, inquire your parents and then sleep peacefully... Did I miss any-thing? Now lo and behold, all these are automated.Your intelligent fridge could scan the items stored and recommends the best recipe with those ingredi-ents, of course, based on how many calories you burnt today. Remember your fitness wearable?? The fridge could also place refill orders with your online grocer for items getting exhausted. Get your oven ready even before you start home from work by pre-heating the oven using your smart phone controls.Freshening up is fun. Heat adjust your toilet seats, open and close lids, flush, clean, everything with your AUTOMATION AGE!WCXO INSIGHTSBy Srivathsan PB, Executive Director at AGS Health
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