| | December 20198very aspect of human life has benefited immensely from the rapid advances in the field of technology - specifically growth in internet, mobile and cloud technologies. New technologies, new methods, and new ideas have brought significant changes to legal profession. The changes in the legal market have opened doors to the develop-ment and adoption of legal technologies that allow legal-service providers to enhance productivity, offer innovative digital products (e.g., cybercrime consulta-tion, contract management, due diligence), improve legal-service delivery and quality while keeping costs at a low level. With the advancement of Artificial In-telligence (AI), there is a new branch of law evolving i.e. AI law. Now law has to not only look at the affairs of humans but also at the affairs of the machines and solve the new kinds of problems arising out of it.The theories of law are based on equity, good con-science and justice. However, the words of J. Lord EBy Ruchika Nayyar, VP & Head Corporate Legal, GMR Group IN MY OPINIONSMART INNOVATION TRENDS TRANSFORMING THE FUTURE OF LAW ENFORCEMENTRuchika Nayyar, VP & Head Corporate Legal
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