| |MAY 20219A digitally distraught business or organization is one that is caught in indecision about which business processes should be transformed or may be involved in continuous cost-cutting measures to regroup from legacy investmentsempowering adjacent business functions. For example, excess liquidity in finance triggering early payment discounting in procurements function, another example being productivity improvement measures in human resources coming by operating expense guidelines from finance. More connected the various functions are, the better they are with the seamless flow of data resulting in better business decision making for growth and resource optimization for enterprises. Bearing in mind, on this eighth continent transformation is one constant game ­ with emerging technologies drives extreme automation and intelligence that eliminate redundancies. Getting on with transformation isn't a nice-to-have; it's a must-do. Companies with the right leadership and data-driven vision will seize the opportunities offered by cloud computing to grow and thrive on the eighth continent-- start now before it's too late.Important Factors To Undergo Digital TransitionDigital Transition is about business transformation, which encompasses every facet of the organization including culture, the way you engage with customers, transforming the way you manage data and turn it into intelligence, transforming your operating model, and transforming the way you work with employees and the way work gets done. Digitally determined organizations have one integrated strategy, where all the digital innovations across various functions or business lines of the organization are in place. These organizations adopt digital transformation as their sole business strategy for growth. To keep on bolting on new digital tools to thrive in this digitally occupied age is a depletion of resources and finance, without any clear benefit. Instead, the organizations need to put all their digital connections and platforms at the heart of their enterprise to develop new ways of working, drive innovation and maximize value in every interaction.
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