| |December 201919B.One® delivers advanced AI and ML driven Home and Enterprise automation solutions that are affordable without compromising on technology, aesthetics, features, functions and delivers guaranteed return on InvestmentSOLUTION PROVIDERS - 201910 MOST PROMISINGIoTproposed framework for a new resi-dential energy code for India.B.One Edge® Hub is built on Military Grade Encryption platform with its own battery backup of up to 4 hours. This solution allows its cus-tomers to manage all Automation, Security and Energy Management devices using a single application. B.One Edge® is an Edge computing platform with parallel processing ar-chitecture and Hard Real Time Per-formance to make it the fastest and first of its kind Edge Computing IOT gateway in the market. B.One Edge® supports multiple protocols includ-ing Z-Wave, Zigbee, BLE, BT, Wi-Fi (Dual Band), LTE Cat4 and universal infrared remote learner and repeater. This solution helps save bandwidth, storage, time and costs by limiting the data that needs to be transmitted to the cloud causing Network latencies.B.One VoiceAct® enables users to control over 200,000 devices through Google Home, Alexa and Siri (sched-uled to be released by March 2020). B.One® is one of the first Automation platforms to understand and leverage the potential of integrating Chat-bots for a highly effective and a wide reaching IoT interface solution. Blaze has developed and integrated B.One Chatbots with increasingly ubiqui-tous FB messenger which has 2 bil-lion users worldwide as well as LINE messenger which has 600 million registered users.Through the power of AI and machine learning algorithms and the vast data collected from IoT de-vices and sensors, Blaze has built their proprietary Cloud based deep learning AI platform, InstinctAct®. This platform learns the user's hab-its and intuitively responds to their needs ­ using deep learning based machine learning algorithms to make decisions on performing cer-tain actions without the user having to access the App or voice assistants each time.
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