| | April 20188CIOReviewIN MY OPINIONBy Amitabh Ray, Managing Director, Ericssonf we sent up a drone camera to take pic-tures of Indian roads during peak traffic, it would resemble a mass of unmoving metal with bumper-to-bumper traffic gridlocking every major road. The situ-ation is so bad and turning worse each day that peo-ple point out Bangalore's most infamous logjam at Silk Board Junction which has inspired its own Twitter parody account as "India's largest parking lot." Traffic snarl-ups not only causes frustrations to millions of pas-sengers, the estimated financial cost is over $2000 bil-lion per year worldwide.But it's not Bangalore, Mumbai or New Delhi that takes the crown for the most gridlocked city in the world; it's Los Angles. The Global Traffic Scorecard, from INRIX, a transportation analytics company, found that LA drivers spend an average of 102 peak hours in congestion ­ 11 hours longer than the next most con-gested cities, New York and Moscow. Sao Paulo's driv-ers sit in fourth place, with 86 hours spent in traffic, while San Francisco ranks fifth with 83 hours. Out of the 1,360 cities analyzed, London was seventh, behind Bogota who had 75 peak hours of congestion. On aver-age in the UK, drivers spend an average of 31 hours a year in traffic which in 2017 led to a loss of more than £37.7 billion in related costs. The easiest solution we often think is to spend mon-ey on infrastructure, but that's not a silver bullet. The solution lies in a combination of measures from remote working, to spreading the business districts, ride shar-ing, road user pricing and of course Intelligent Trans-port Solutions (ITS) such as dynamic traffic lights, the IARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND 5G TO EASE GLOBAL TRAFFIC WOES WITH INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS
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