| | June 20208 IN MY OPINIONHOW TECH IS CHANGING THE FACE OF HROBy Suvendu Dhar, Head - Corporate Training Solutions, Centum Learningrganizations have realigned their focus towards people and technology, and enabling it as a source of competitive ad-vantage. With constant innovation and change happening in every sector, learn-ing and development methodologies are being upgraded. Following are few trends that we foresee in 2020 ­ · Smart Content & Smarter Learning Platforms: To deal with the skills gap and prepare the workforce, em-ployers need to focus on how employees are hired, re-tained and retrained. Their performance requirements continuously change, which compels the L&D heads to create smart and personalised content that benefits at an individual level. With on-going knowledge-gap analy-sis and byte-sized content creation based onto cover the gaps, integrated AI-enabled learning platforms have seen a surge, and 2020 will experience widespread adoption of such smart learning platforms. AI-led coaching is like 'Netflix' that has revolutionized content consumption by developing a Learning Experience Network that is user-centric. These intelligent training platforms as a segment are opening more extensive opportunities for a lot of startups that are expected to emerge in L&D sector in the coming days. · From Virtual Learning to Immersive Learning Ex-perience: Digital technologies have enabled virtual Im-mersive Learning Environments (ILE) that are inten-tionally engineered to mimic physical reality. Focus is on providing a content-rich experience which is not only ef-ficient, but has the maximum possibility of retention by the user. ILEs are used for training purposes because digi-tally immersive environments provide individuals with a dynamic and inclusive way of learning to apply new skills in the real world, thereby enhancing efficacy & higher ROI of training. AR/VR is not new as a concept. Still, their application for L&D will see a massive adoption in 2020 amongst enterprises, especially in the retail, auto-motive, manufacturing, logistics and healthcare sectors opting for it. · More Emphasis on Outcome Based Training: We expect increased focus on training that directly impact key business performance indicators. Such training for-mats will be more result orientated, objective-based, skill-focused, build specific implementation goals, and will be more quantitative & measurable to determine ROI. Overall, the training solution will be evaluated more from a result point of view rather than a requirement point of view. Here, Learning eXperience Platforms (LXP) help in higher measurement with real-time analytics that ena-Suvendu Dhar,Head - Corporate Training Solutions
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