| |June 202019AI & HUMANS WILL UNITE TO BECOME THE PERFECT COLLABORATIVE TEAM OF THE FUTUREBy Sangeeta Chacko, Head ­ Corporate Communications, Percepthe most debated topic of the past few years is that Artificial Intelli-gence (AI) will replace human in-telligence and render the human race unemployed. While AI will certainly change the labour backdrop, it will certainly not be an overnight rebel-lion, neither an umbrella occurrence across sectors. Akin to many other major advances in technology, AI will create new roles across society as also change existing responsibilities. By 2025, AI will stop being a catch-phrase and become the norm for most companies. AI will not be just a value add attribute, but an ingrained feature across all products and services, akin to today's touch-screen feature. By 2030, AI will become a regular part of life, similar to computers in the ear-ly 90s and the Internet of the late 90s. There are numerous opportunities for corporations to leverage AI in the future. In areas like financial services, manufacturing and communications, AI will be the key differentiator for companies that wish to stand-out. Fa-cial Recognition and Voice Interfaces will become the norm. AI will analyze the digital landscape and report on exact insights, real-time updates and trend assessments to enable brands to micro-target and customize custom-er interface. AI will definitely have a tremendous impact on both the work we do and the way we communicate with internal and external stakehold-ers. It will definitely free us from the mundane and enable us to focus on high value work. Machine learning, AI, Chatbots and NLP will help companies change boring, mundane, repetitive tasks from its workforce to e-bots, thereby freeing employees to focus more on complex, creative, high value work. Backend office tasks will be handled by AI even as Marketing and Sales personnel use the AI data to T CXO INSIGHTS
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