| | June 20169CIOReviewimprove on and their overall abilities. We often argue that when implementing big data projects a data-driven culture needs to be embedded throughout the organization if they are going to reap the benefits. Leicester City is a clear example of why this is important. What is happening in the foot-ball field is the coming of reality in the world of connected devices and network at play all around us. A wave of transformational change is sweeping across all aspects of indus-try and societies, rippling through the way we live, learn, work, create, and engage. Competitive advantage of today will be with the organiza-tions, which possess or have access to data, have the power to analyze that data and take rapid decisions to gain competitive advantage. Funda-mental changes have taken place in technology primarily due to three interrelated factors; device process-ing speeds, critical mass of end us-ers with access to `computational capacity' and connectivity between previously closed systems ­ or use of open APIs. This has enabled the organization to access real time data from hitherto unimaginable sources. Organizations have the power to take real time decisions. This is what is going to determine success or failure in a connected world. In 2016, 6.4 billion con-nected `things' will be in use, up 30 percent from 2015, according to Gartner. With access to data, customers will be able to evaluate products and services in much more critical way and become ever more demanding. The power is truly shifting to the consumers. According to Ericsson Mobility Report, by 2020, 90 percent of the world's population will have a mobile phone, with smartphone subscriptions doubling to more than 6 billion. People in rural and developing regions will come online and enter the global economy, primarily via increasingly affordable smartphones. Each of these individuals will have access to more learning resources, more entrepreneurial networks and potentially more capital than ever before. Such a rapid leap from locally isolated to globally interconnected communities is unprecedented in human history, and it will bring together vast reserves of knowledge, purchasing power and innovative capacity to unleash powerful new network effects.We are now in a world where billions of people and things are networked in real time across all geographies, markets and industries. This layer of instantly accessible information and relationships is fundamentally biased in favor of active, participatory idea exchange. Incumbents, who attempt to plan, protect and predict their future in this volatile marketplace of ideas will give way to more innovative, responsive organizations that experiment, scale and thrive in the face of increased risk and uncertainty. Corporate longevity will not be a guarantee for future success; organizations have to be winning each match they play. Every point matters in this league table as otherwise a leader like Manchester United can be disrupted by a team which had as much hope of survival as a snowball in hell. But beware; the disrupter too can be disrupted. Welcome to the new world of Disruption Economy! Leaders will be assessed on how well they manage and ride this disruption.
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