| |July 20199New trends in geospatial technologies are expected to impact multiple sectors and foster path-breaking innova-tion. What are these innovations and how do they impact the Geospatial-By-Default movement?1. Advancements in Data Analytics: We create 2.5 quin-tillion bytes of data every day. And that pace is only going to accelerate with the growth of the Internet of Things. Just to give an idea, roughly 3.7 billion people use the Internet. Google processes over 40,000 searches every sec-ond. That is 3.5 billion searches per day. And all this is data. Most of it have a location component.As Big Data gets bigger and the world gets more digitalized, businesses must become more analytics-driven to sharpen their competitive edge. As in case with all technology domains, artificial intelligence tools such as machine and deep learning will drive the next generation of applica-tions across different fields. 2. Miniaturization of sensors: From bee-sized drones to mini satellites to nano GPS chips, small is becoming the new big in this connected world. Proliferation of smart-phones, 24x7 power of social media, portable LiDARs for self-driving cars, innovations in 3D technologies, and GPS-powered wearable devices are making the whole world one big sensor network. As sensors get smaller and smaller, geospatial will get more and more pervasive and ubiquitous.3. NewSpace Revolution: The ability of satellites to transform businesses and quality of life today is more relevant than ever. Reduced size and costs of satellites, advancements in sensors, innovative launch options, in-crease in the value of space-derive data and exploitation of automated processing has opened up a whole new mar-ket. Satellites as small as the chip on your phone, which may be costing as little as $2,000, are today sending tera-bytes of imageries from space. This is enabling a host of AI-driven applications that provide valuable insights into global-scale economic, social and industrial processes. This phenomenon, which is coming to be known as "de-mocratization of space", essentially implies that more and diverse people and/or organizations are participating in the industry. 4. Maps for machines: Use of digital maps in naviga-tion devices and mobiles are a passe now. More so, because these maps were simple, and primarily meant for humans, who can understand simple instructions as they navigate. As we move into an increasingly digitized and automated world, there is an acute need for high-precision maps that are now being designed keeping in mind the human-ma-chine and machine-machine interfaces. These maps also serve as digital infrastructure for safe, efficient and reli-able automation across a spectrum of verticals. However, the cost incurred in creating these high-definition maps is a big challenge since such high amounts of data can't be sent on existing mobile networks. The launch of 5G technologies is expected to address this issue.5. Automation: As the world moves towards complete automation, we will see geospatial becoming a key component of this transformation. The Fourth Industrial Revolution will see a seamless integration of humans and machines and from piece-wise automation to full-fledged automa-tion, something Hexagon President and CEO Ola Rollen calls "evolution from automation to autonomy". Geospatial 4.0 seeks to seamlessly integrate geospatial services with humans in a connected world --where the Internet of things will be replaced by Internet of Every-thing, where `everything' will include humans. The way forwardIn the Fourth Industrial Revolution, geospatial is not just about location. It is more about how the ongoing information revolution will affect human beings and the Planet we call home. The `Geospatial Way' is the future and probably the most efficient and effective way to col-lect, process and utilize information in the overall global development agenda. Geospatial information helps to identify, understand and contextualize challenges the world is facing today. Integrated geospatial information framework and readi-ness have direct co-relation with human development and quality of life. The Countries Geospatial Readiness Index has clearly indicated that nations which have better geo-spatial institutional infrastructure and policies, are also ad-vanced in almost every walk of socio-economic activities, furthering their programs of sustainable development.While recognizing that the world economy runs on location-based services and data is the new oil, it is equally important to develop partnership models towards adop-tion of geospatial knowledge in making the Sustainable Development Goals a reality. In our quest to leave no one behind, it is pre-requisite to work with everyone with an approach of mutual trust, respect, and gain. Sanjay Kumar, CEO
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