| |December 201619CIOReviewTeam, and a Scrum Master. These self-organizing teams choose how best to accomplish their work, rather than being directed by others. These cross-functional teams have all competencies needed to accomplish the work without depending on others outside the team. Scrum Teams deliver products iteratively and incrementally, maximizing opportunities for feedback.Feature Teams Feature team "is a long-lived, cross-functional, cross-component team that completes many end-to-end customer features". Typically having 7 +/- 2 members. Feature teams are an essential element to scaling up agility. This concept is attributed to LeSS( Large Scale Scrum) framework.Spotify Squads Spotify, the music streaming leader, has created a framework to organize the organization into Squads, Tribes, Chapters, Guilds etc. A squad is a smallest group similar to pizza team, scrum team, feature team.Ideally each squad is fully autonomous with direct interaction with their users and no blocking dependencies to other squads. This design allows each team to function as a small startup.The squads are grouped together in `Tribes'. `Chapters' are groups working within a special area. `Guild' is a community of members with shared interests. Holacracy Holacrac is org system with no job titles, no managers, no hierarchy and with Distributed Authority. Holacracy was developed by Brian Robertson. According to him, Holacracy is system of self-management in organisations. Holacracy replaces the traditional management hierarchy with a new peer-to-peer "operating system" that increases transparency, accountability, and organizational agility. Authority and decision making are distributed among holon "circles" throughout the organization. Devops Devops extends the Agility movement from development (Dev) to operations(Ops). So typical Devops team would have members from both development and operations like BA, Developers, testers and also folks from operations like DBA, Syadmin.Conclusion In the 21st century when the customer needs are changes rapidly and people are more connected. In order to reduce time to market and meet customer needs, companies need to focus on making the organisational structure more agile.Jack Welch said `If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near'. The good news is that many smart organizations are moving away from traditional models to new models for organizing their teamsIf we observe the models described above, the common principles are, the teams are Small, Self Organized, Decentralized, Autonomous, Customer facing, Empowered and Flatter.In terms of the skills the trend is moving from I T- (polyglot). In other words the team members need to have not only one skill (I) but also the bigger picture and specialization in more than 1 skills ().
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