| | July 20198s threats evolve with increased sophistication and attacks, 2019 will see cryptojacking attacks increase 10-fold.This will be in addition to the prevalent ransomware, DDoS, malvertising, advanced persistent threats (APT)and others. Data privacy will continue to be a huge focus for most organizations and corporate fines due to breaches and privacy infractions are expected to increase by 2000 percent. With the onset of 5G, and increased IoT(Internet of Things) deployments, service providers will have to deal with more (wired/wireless) connected devices vulnerable to attacks. Skill-squatting is a new legitimate threat, especially with the low level of security in IoT devices. The wider adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Language (ML) can also open doors for malicious users to be more sophisticated in their attacks.The evolution of the sophistication in security threats require solutions in enterprise security to evolve to stay a step ahead. This is a challenge, especially if you are the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of a large enterprise and have a tough time hiring top cybersecurity talent.Zero-trust EnvironmentEnterprise Security has evolved along with the transformation of organizations. In traditional and legacy networks, trusted resources and entities were inside a perimeter; a firewall/security gateway protected them from external,suspect entities. Over time,location independence,shadow IT, increased frequency and sophistication of malware attacks, migration of applications to the cloud, mobility access and the use of IoT devices caused the perimeter to break down, leading to a zero-trust paradigm.Infrastructure Security, along with the augmented services of IDP, AV/AS and Threat Management provides excellent Infrastructure Protection. However, of late, more attacks are targeted at data, and the applications are the way in. For effective enterprise security in a zero-trust environment, infrastructure security needs to be augmented with effective application and data protection.Evolution of Security OperationsThe role of a CISO evolved as traditional management and administration of security operations changed.Enterprise firewalls traditionally had simple log management, with descriptive analysis on the event that occurred. There was soon a proliferation of security vendors with products from different technologies generating different outputs, which became difficult to manage with limited cybersecurity experts. Security Information and Event Management with advanced diagnostic and predictive abilities became a good tool to provide a unified view of these logs and events. The incorporation of automation to handle a lot of mundane and cookie-cutter tasks ensured that the time of the top security talent is not wasted. The more sophisticated tools today are in the form of playbooks, which can be run by personnel without deep security knowledge. Cybersecurity monitoring and management have evolved with actionable management framework for data capture, inspection, view and action through a single pane of glass. With the advent of SDN, most of the orchestration and management tasks are also converging.AI and ML provided a lot of benefit to automation in addition to identifying potential anomalies and possible security threats. Big organizations,however, still do not use them to automate decision making. Old-school CISOs would like a good audit trail, understand causality, and look at the pros and cons before deciding and implementing remedial action. The focus of automation is mainly on mundane cookie-cutter, time-consuming tasks, and IT integration (Incident Creation/Response).Securely Sharing Big DataBig Data Environments have seen a surge in data attacks. Big Data Security requires data trustworthiness and reputation, data authenticity and identification, data availability and accountability, and tools to demonstrate compliance. Security solutions for Big Data usually classify the data, with good access control technology to ensure/audit what operations are allowed on which data and by whom.They also provide good tools to continuously monitor and audit access to critical AIN MY OPINIONRECENT TRENDS IN ENTERPRISE SECURITYBy Anand K Antur, Director Software Engineering, Juniper Networks
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