| | April 20178CIOReviewBy Ganesh Ramamoorthy, Research Vice President, Gartnerhe Internet of Things is at present con-necting enterprises to capabilities that eliminate the need for tedious manual pro-cessing. IoT is bringing more clarity to or-ganisations in terms of data gathering and analytics. Since IoT enables automation of the existing mundane data collection processes, the accu-racy of the data being collected is no longer subject to manual errors. As a result, the integrity of the collected data as well as the analysis is far more enhanced. IoT-thus brings a slew of capabilities to enable organisation-swith better analytics and more clear and accurate data. However, these capabilities will also have an impact on the organisation's work culture. As more and more IoT devices begin to emerge, they will impact the way data is gathered and the way we work. Some organisations will perceive this as an area of improvement, while others are likely to see it as a threat and therefore, it is going to be creating a mixed reaction and also some confusion among employees. While organisations will benefit from these automation capabilities, one of the biggest challenges that they will encounter with large scale IoT implementation, is to counter the fears of the employees impacted by IoT projects. It is necessary for employees to recognize IoT as a tool that will enable them to work more efficiently. Key Factors Influencing IoT ImplementationOne of the key aspects that companies need to consider when implementing an IoT project is security. The security in IoT projects must begin at the very basic level. While procuring an IoT device, it is important for companies to adopt a strong procurement policy and procedure that outlines the security policies of the organization. Vendors will have to comply with these procedures while bringing in any new device. Since IoT devices do not have a very TGartner's Take on the Indian IoT Landscape IN MY OPINIONWith 18 years of technology industry experience in product development, digital business transformation strategy and IoT implementation, Ganesh Ramamoorthy is currently serving as Research Vice President at Gartner, where he supervises research initiatives in the areas of semiconductor IP and design services, embedded software, Internet of Things (IoT), Smart City and the Smart Grid.Ganesh Ramamoorthy
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