| | September 20208HOW AI/ML CAN PLAY A MAJOR ROLE IN CHANNELIZING REMOTE EDUCATION IN TIMES LIKE THESElobal pandemics like Chikungunya, Ebola Virus, SARS, Zika Virus, and now COVID-19 have shrouded various parts of the world, leaving them in a state of turmoil. Governments across countries have ordered complete lockdown, leav-ing adults and children trapped in their homes. The global economy is experiencing a slump like never be-fore. The situation, which is getting beyond control, has profoundly af-fected global businesses and the edu-cation sector. Children and old age people, due to their low immunity, are most af-fected by the contagious disease. To prevent the disease from spreading further, the WHO (World Health Organization) advised limiting human intervention. As a result, schools, universities, and coaching classes across the world have been shut, creating panic and anxiety among parents, teachers, students, and educators. The disruption in education af-fected students' learning, resulting in a loss of their life's precious time. The only option viable for the stu-dents and learners in the wrecked situation was to switch to online modes of learning and preparing. With a massive surge in the number of users, it is the EdTech sector that has managed to face the unsettled economy by providing free access to their learning platforms.The situation of havoc is a per-fect time for these EdTech startups to enhance the efficacy of their prod-ucts and services. One such solution that has opened new opportunities for them is the integration of Arti-ficial Intelligence or Machine Learn-ing with their platforms in chan-nelizing remote education.AI in Education: A Boon in DisguiseIndia, the second-largest country in terms of population, immensely lags in the number of education specialists available. The best solu-tion to this is moving proactively towards remote learning. One of the government initiatives taken in this direction is the SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Youthful Aspiring Minds), which makes learning material accessible for teachers as well as students using cloud computing.The integration of AI by e-learn-ing platforms to their core products and services enables customiza-tion of the entire learning experi-ence, as well as saves a lot of time. A perfect collaboration between AI and e-learning products expands the users' rate of engagement by making the online sessions much more interactive. AI plays a significant role in providing teachers and tutors more time to monitor how individual stu-dents are using the concepts. The in-volvement of modern devices makes learning much more personalized by customizing the content for each student, depending on their skills and capabilities even in times of re-mote learning.Though remote learning seems to be attractive in times like these, it appears that organizing the learn-ing processes is difficult in a remote learning scenario. This is where AI or machine learning comes into play too. Managing and coordinating the curriculum with the help of artificial intelligence is a much more comfort-able and advanced solution. Effective management of the learning process makes these remote learning sessions IN MY OPINIONGBy Beas Dev Ralhan, Co-Founder & CEO, Next Education
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