| | July 20218WHAT IS EDGE COMPUTING AND WHY IT IS GAINING POPULARITY IN A COVID-19 AFFECTED WORLD?By Neelesh Kripalani, Sr. VP & Head - Center of Excellence, Clover Infotechver since the onset of the pandemic, it has compelled enterprises to rapidly move their critical workload to the cloud to ensure seamless functioning of business. Hence, we see a plethora of new cloud trends emerging in the market. One such trend is edge computing. Not long ago, edge computing was considered a futuristic concept ­ something that was attractive to talk about but lacked practical world examples. This has ceased to be the truth! Amidst spiraling numbers of COVID-19 cases, organisations are relooking their operational structures, to meet the new challenges that the second wave has brought about. In this space, remote working has once again become a buzzword, paving the way for cloud enabled technologies to shape the new normal. As cloud is gaining momentum, and enterprises are frantically looking for ways to optimize their network, storage and agility, edge computing has turned out to be the perfect solution. To understand where does edge computing fit in the whole spectrum of IT infrastructure, we need to begin with the basics ­ Understanding what actually is edge computing? "Edge computing" is a type of distributed architecture in which data processing occurs close to the source of data, i.e., at the "edge" of the system. This approach reduces the need to bounce data back and forth between IN MY OPINIONENeelesh Kripalani
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