| |December 20178CIOReviewnfrastructure needs of our country are well known as speed of buildup of our infra has not kept pace with the demand. If we look at the simple statistics about the road sector;our Na-tional Highways are only less than 2 percent of our total road network and carry 40 percent of total traffic and on top of that average pace of growth in ve-hicular population is over 10 percent for last five years. The demand to create infrastructure is at an all-time high; the rising population and raise in expending in-come push speedier development in the infrastructure sector. As per recent announcement, Government plans to build over 83,000 Kilometers with outlay of approx. 100 Billion dollars.The pertinent question in every one's mind is wheth-er the Industry is ready today to deliver on these expec-tations. The construction industry has grown but for some reasons the pace of innovation and technological advancement in this industry is rather slow.One of the way to respond to the high growth de-mand is to accelerate the pace of digitalization in the construction industry.Technology has changed the way we move; we think and even how we do our day-to-day jobs. Digitalization has taken over almost all the fields and now we have a world which is operating, connecting and moving ahead digitally in some way or the other. We see an apparent technology dominance estab-lished early in the B2C segments which have not only provided more power to the customers but has also made their assets and time more efficient. Automobiles industry was one of the first to get on the train. The Digitization ­ For a Sustainable Future in the Construction IndustryBy Kamal Pahuja, VP - Mining and Construction, MetsoIN MY OPINIONIMetso is an industrial company serving the mining, aggregates, recycling, oil, gas, pulp, paper and process industries. It provides a broad scope of services and a global network of over 80 service centers and about 6,000 services professionals.
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