| |June 201919he world is at an in-tersection where business, customers and technology are meeting to create a better, more produc-tive world. Digital innovations have changed how customers discover information, how they look at ser-vices and expect from businesses. The same digital tools have also al-tered how stakeholders, investors, and employees expect from organi-sations. Innovation that is coupled with technology that not only looks at possibilities, rather what will ben-efit the customer, and puts their need ahead of specific tools or pro-cesses, is what digital transforma-tion all about.According to a report by Inter-national Data Corporation (2018), digital transformation will add about $154 billion to the country's economy and increase its growth by 1% every year by 2021. The report states that approximately 60% of TWHY THE CUSTOMER IS CRITICAL TO YOUR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION JOURNEYBy Saurabh Sanghoee, VP, Sales and Global Services, India, Orange Business Services CXO INSIGHTS
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