| |December 20199Active and semi-passive RFID tags use internal bat-teries to power their circuits. An active tag also uses its battery to broadcast radio waves to a reader, whereas a semi-passive tag relies on the reader to supply its power for broadcasting. Because these tags contain more hard-ware than passive RFID tags, they are more expensive. Active and semi-passive tags are reserved for costly items that are read over greater distances - they broadcast high frequencies from 850 to 950 MHz that can be read 100 feet (30.5 meters) or more away. If it is necessary to read the tags from even farther away, additional batteries can boost a tag's range to over 300 feet (100 meters).These three technologies use very small and can fit into any application.The architecture of the same can be depicted in the diagram given below:The application of RFID is expanding and in Dubai, it is used very effectively in tagging the visitors, resi-dents, and animals like Oryx. Here it is also used for the toll collection across the bridges. The RTA card auto-matically deducts the toll collections unlike India where this adoption is quite slow.It is used effectively at hypermarkets like Carrefour for billing as well as their inventory control.Generally, the usage of RFID is split into the follow-ing applications:· Industrial· Retailing· Institutions· Hospitality· OthersIn automobile industry, the usage has increased. Right from the engine serial numbers to components back flushing, everything is monitored through RFID tags. The components are interfaced with the suppliers who keep a tab on the consumption and tag the compo-nents with RFID chips, which go into the production line. The inventory is controlled in that manner. It is also used in bus transport systems where the RFID card serve as ticket solutions and automatically the fare is de-ducted from the card. The driver also keeps a tab on the number of passengers in the bus and on the travel behav-iour of the passenger. The bus also can have many Inter-net of Things sensors, which are hooked on to the On-Board Diagnostic Unit, and information can be accessed very easily about the health of the major components of the bus. The same applies to car and other commercial vehicle segments. In India major automakers like Ashok Leyland, Tata, Maruti are successfully implementing er-ror free and secure RFID technologies.In hospitals for tracking patients, their history and medicines, records etc.In Hotels and travel industry ­ from ticketing to tracking travellers, routing etc.Others: Like tagging animals and understanding their behaviour and tracking their health etc.Although the RFID technology is gaining popular-ity, there are many issues, which have been noticed.1) Security / information hacking ­ people can insert a card reader and extract all information about cards, customers etc. 2) Collision ­ when many RFID signals are around the card reader sometimes fails and unable to function properly.3) Cost ­ the active and semi passive card infrastruc-ture is costly and not very suitable for low and medium industry applications and these industries are slow in adoption.Future work includes adopting security/privacy pa-rameters and different signal processing schemes with multiple antenna diversity, beam forming, and smart-an-tennas in the cross-layer framework that can circumvent the issues of accuracy and also the speed and range. In India major automakers like Ashok Leyland, Tata, Maruti are successfully implementing error free and secure RFID technologies
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