| |Dec-Jan 20188CIOReviewrganizations of tomorrow have to be young, agile and vibrant to cope with the digitally savvy customers and employees of tomorrow. They would need to be contemporary, reflect the theme of the times and be relevant ­ to its customers, employees, partners and investors. To achieve this, organizations need to start working on becoming Future Ready. And thereby become a part of the Digital Revolution unfolding all around us. The high-tech weapons used in this digital revolution are technologies such as Social Media, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud and a bouquet of trending technologies such as Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchains, Bots, etc. to evolve and create new products, business models and services. These technologies bring in efficiencies, reduce costs, and more importantly, provide new avenues of growth. However, while these are attractive options from a technology perspective, they need to be looked at purely from a business perspective. This will also imply organizations adopting new integrated ways and techniques of working thereby leading to their transformation into a `Digital Enterprise'.This Digital Enterprise is essentially a connected entity ­ digitally connected to customers, partners, suppliers, logistics providers, financial institutions, and its products. The Digital Enterprise will have structured electronic data flowing through its bloodstream and providing information and knowledge to all those who interact with it further resulting in forward-looking insights and deeper understanding of its ecosystem. This will enable faster reactions to market conditions, predictive decisions, and more importantly, a superlative Customer Experience.So how does one go about becoming Future Ready?While there are multiple ways, there may be no right way or wrong way. What matters is putting together an approach that suits your organization (and budget) specifically. Three critical aspects to be factored are the current state of internal process automation, the current state of IT infrastructure within the organization, OBecoming a Future Ready Digital Enterprise!By Suresh Iyer, CIO, Blue Star Ltd.Blue Star is India's leading air conditioning and commercial refrigeration company with over seven decades of experience in providing expert cooling solutions. It fulfils the cooling requirements of a large number of corporate, commercial as well as residential customers, as well as offers products such as water purifiers, air purifiers and air coolers. It also provides expertise in allied contracting activities such as electrical, plumbing and fire-fighting services, in order to provide turnkey solutions, apart from execution of specialised industrial projects. Blue Star's other businesses include marketing and maintenance of imported professional electronic equipment and services, as well as industrial products and systems. IN MY OPINIONSuresh Iyer
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